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I am an educator without a classroom looking to make the world her new home for learning.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


The Learners Snuggery Weekly Digest

How is Teaching like Running a Business?

Things teacher-authors/ business owners struggle with.

by Tawanna on February 08

Teachers are amazingly hard workers, but so are small business owners. Teacher-authors and small business owners are CEOs of bottom-up companies with no business typically with little to no experience at all. I am amazed by any small business entrepreneur.  Amazed by how they learn on the go, all while making their businesses successful. Kudos to all CEOs of small and medium-sized companies! Kudos to those in my position: Teacher-Author!

Needless to say, it is difficult to get a business up and running these days without a brick-and-mortar store or handheld goods without technological know-how. Teachers have some expertise in technology given the number of tools, tailoring, and detailing that are needed to make a functioning lesson or unit plan.  However, it is the same process for running a small business. We need extensive lesson plans, calendars and bulletin board posts, even social media posts for some of us. Running a classroom can be just like running a sale for your store. I think for some teacher-authors it’s easier for us to treat our businesses like a unit plan or a classroom. You have a set number of weeks to get a task done, a list to do in order with plenty of details to make sure that the transfer of information is clear and concise.  All ending in a culminating project: the product, a sale, the stores opening. Even then with months of planning, it may still be necessary for revisions, see previous post, Work: It’s Hard for more information. All in all, I a Teacher-authors might be better prepared for running a small business than I initially thought. Who woulda thunk it?

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  The Learners Snuggery Weekly Digest How is Teaching like Running a Business? Things teacher-authors/ business owners struggle with. by Taw...