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I am an educator without a classroom looking to make the world her new home for learning.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Just the Bit Extra


The Frizz By Tawanna 

Ode to the"Magic School Bus"

Unique digital drawing of a woman

Oh to be young again when all one had to do was just watch television, go to school, and come home to finish homework. These days the just enough is not enough. Everything requires "Just the bit Extra."  This new year, as it encroaches upon us, is no different. COVID-19, and its multiple variations, are making us work a bit harder. Our students are forced to pull their weight more, both emotionally, and intellectually. It is hard to just be oneself and say: Yes I am enough. But like, the FRIZZ, who always manages to bring that little bit more so brilliantly, so cleanly, I say she figured it out. Whether it was in her outfit, or the field trip, or leaving the students to problem solve, the FRIZZ she figured out what level of MORE was in fact enough. It is difficult for us as educators, or parents, and just as people to feel like we are doing enough. What is often forgotten is maybe we did enough for someone else and that was all the was needed. That bit extra may not be for us as adults but for the children, adolescents, and strugglers in our lives. So my lesson learned from the FRIZZ this year: BE as MUCH as you can TODAY Just the BIT EXTRA.

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