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I am an educator without a classroom looking to make the world her new home for learning.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Work: It's Hard


Work: It's Hard

    Lately, I tried launching my teaching business: The Learners Snuggery on the website Teachers pay Teachers (a great website). The website has a lot of resources, but I noticed a lack of lesson plans for more, controversial or obscure topics. Some topics included social-emotional learning for children with other emotional behaviors, race topics, language difficulties; you know the type of stuff that is already hard to teach normally. I thought I would create a few lesson plan overviews for ideas on how to create their detailed lesson plans. The idea was to empower educators to make their own choices in how to teach said controversial topics. 

    What I had not anticipated was 1. No one knew or understood my bare-bones overviews. 2. Giving a person who is already struggling with a difficult topic carte blanche is not helpful. 3. The best thing is to include as much information as possible, and then let the person tweak the lesson to their liking afterward.  

I now need to revamp everything that I have put together for launch, was ready to launch, or need to relaunch on the website. Personally, for me, that is a lot of hard work gone and coming. I knew it was going to be hard work to get a viable and profitable store up and running. However, never have I questioned my lessons plans or abilities to prepare educational materials in the past as I always had others to bounce ideas off of. The constant thought I have is am I was also a questionable teacher? This is my current struggle, the actual Hard work. I need to Work on myself as a classroom educator; that is no longer in the classroom and in need of that reconnection, is it true that saying about losing it if you don't use it?

    Have I lost it, and if so, how do I get it back? I think this is not only a personal struggle but also a struggle for other educators who are trying to adjust to the new climate of hybrid teaching. I am looking for some feedback via this blog post. Please check out the store to get your free phone wallpaper and comment back. I am looking for a garden amongst the weeds to learn how to be keep growing during the hard times.

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